Ultra Home Guardian
Ultra Home Guardian provides exceptional insurance for high value homes.
We know when it comes to homeowners insurance, there are people who want the best of the best. That’s where Ultra Home Guardian fits the bill. Ultra Home Guardian policies provide insurance for high value homes – covering property, liability, landscaping, and more.
In addition to everything covered under a standard homeowners insurance policy, our uniquely tailored Ultra Home Guardian policy covers:
- Personal property
- Debris removal
- Landscaping damage
- Property removal
- Loss assessments
- Social security check reimbursement
- Mortgage expenses
- Evacuation expenses
- Identity fraud resolution
- Violation of ordinance or law
- Fire department service charges
- Backup of sewers or drains
- Ceiling and drywall damage
- Lock replacement
Our Ultra Home Guardian coverage is available in Michigan and Ohio. Coverage is available in Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire through our subsidiary, Patriot Insurance Company. Learn more about our Ultra Home Guardian policies by contacting your local, independent agent today.